My boundary / boarder hypothesis/theory, on what will happen if the planet keeps warming. If the planet keeps on warming the waters in the oceans will keep rising. As this happens then the amount of dry land will shrink while the ocean size increases. So, in country's were there are fishing limits to protect fish stocks and coral. Limits based on for example, 200 mile off shore limits. Then as the coasts of land masses shrinks, so also will the the 200 mile limit shrink or in a sense move backward, with the shore line, leaving a greater area of ocean unprotected. So, in places like Canada where the fish stocks are protected. Places like the grand banks. Instead of the big trawlers only being able to "tail and head fish". So called, because the curve of the bank, leaves only the tip and end of the bank accessible for fishing, as these are just outside of the 200 mile off shore fishing limit. Now a greater area will be accessible for raping with huge fishing trawlers. That is of course, if the boundary's are measured from the shore line using satellite GPS technology. This will increase stress on the fish stocks and I predict even wipe out entire species. Some coral reefs will now become fare game also. Not only will stress be placed on sea life, but human life will also be impacted as the area of usable land shrinks. Country's, provinces and townships a will start to fight more over ocean boundary's, and inland boundary s. At this time Canada is trying to hold on to there sovereignty of the sea waters in the far north. This could be complected if the boundaries follow the water back, further inland. New international laws may have to be written, as it may be argued by some country's, the boundary begins at the shore line which has receded, and not at previous boundary lines that will now be under water. Birds on the coast and there nests, turtle hatching grounds (as just some examples of wild life close to water that will be impacted, creatures living further inland will be threatened even more as man begins to fight over changing boundary's. Land animals that have already been pushed to the limit, will be even more stressed. And as the stress on man to find land increases so also will wars and territorial disputes. E.L.
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