World Citizenship

My Blog 5.12. One-World Citizenship.
I realise it goes against all the Bible would advise.
But the whole one-world passport one-world citizenship idea actually would  make a lot of sense
in so far as fighting terrorism, as citizens  of the planet Earth with one passport all security forces
would have greater leverage to move to other country's in there fight on terrorism. When a person is
condemned of a terrorist act he or she would then have to be condemned by the entire world, that he is a citizen of, and run the risk of loosing all rights as a citizen of the planet Earth. Now when i say that i realise it goes against all the Bible would advise. I base that on the storeys such as that of the tower of Babel along with other passages that would suggest it is in fact Gods will, all humans should be kept from joining as one community, it woul
d almost appear that God is in a discreet way, encouraging, contention among humans, encouraging a cast system and worse, from some of the passages encouraging things such as slavery and genocide.The reality of the tower of Babel shows something more than a God offended by humans trying to clime up to heaven, it is full of symbolic meaning showing mans struggle to reach his creator, and having that creator stop this at every turn. The closing lines in this story talks of unlimited potential, a potential that is blocked by the very creator that is offering it to them as a carrot. The entire Bible is about favoritism not giving to everyone equally, even faith is not given to every one, it is given to a select few leaving everyone else out of the loop.  Yes on the surface the Bible appears to shoot for mankind as one family living happily through eternity as one. But it does not take very much digging to see this is in fact not a reality, through what appears to be the will of God!
It would appear on the surface that God does not want us to join as one in a physical worldly sense, but in a spiritual sense, even when it is common knowledge that it will lead to humans harming each other on this physical plain.

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