Sunday, February 06, 2011

My Blog 5.12. Parasites and evolution.

My hypothesis/Theory

It could be argued that parasites are one of the oldest life forms on the planet if not the oldest.
It is also common knowledge that parasites will alter the feeding habits of there host and that they will even make there host engage in behaviour that they would normally avoid such as increased risk taking. Parasites have even been known to alter or change the host colour, they can alter the host DNA and do many more stunning things in there need to survive and reproduce successfully.

Now to my theory, it has occurred to me, that it could be argued, given the knowledge we have in regards to parasites, that man evolved not necessarily as a process of natural selection for his own survival as put forward by Darwin, but that every evolution in man and indeed all life as we know it, was provoked or engineered by parasites in the host body. Why would a fish leave it's natural environment to crawl on land breathing air when it is perfectly adapted to life in the water, Why would some fish leave and others stay? I would like to place forward my theory that life forms will not bother to evolve when there is no other force (internal or external) provoking that drive. In this case i would like to put forward that parasites have in a sense been farming there hosts and employing a form of animal husbandry, in effect breeding there hosts to fit there own needs. I would even go as far as to suggest that mind control over there hosts would also have been employed by the parasites. The mind control could take the form of creating in the host the need for certain foods or certain conditions that would need to be met by the host as layed out by the parasite. This mind control can be seen influenced in some ants by there parasite masters, it can also be seen in the need for some human hosts to find and bathe in running water.
The thought that we as humans have been farmed and selectively breed by parasites to meet there needs for survival, and that there has occasionally been a culling of humans by parasites, in much the same way a heard of cattle or deer or other food source is culled,  for the purpose of preserving the heard and strengthening it. Weeding out some, while enhancing other certain exceptional genetic material, may be frightening, but in actual fact as frighting or horrifying as it may seem, it is more than a little plausible and practical not to mention very possible.
Is my theory so extreme, when i state that parasites have farmed and breed us for there own needs, and that they are in fact responsible for every evolutionary leap we have taken, from primordial slime to fish to ape to man etc.
All the while keeping the chain of evolutionary breeding material intact should they need to revise or reverse there breeding process and eliminate one step, always keeping the option of back tracking.

I believe that as our knowledge of parasites grow, my theory that i have presented here, will someday be shown to be factual.

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