Monday, January 16, 2012

My Blog 5.12. Aging population, my sugested cure.

 With the aging population and the potential for increased mental diseases,such as Alzheimer. I would like to present my theory, hypotheses, suggestion, that I believe will help.
When I say help, I mean not only help fight of certain brain conditions, but also boredom, as well as increasing hand eye coordination by using both sides of the brain almost at the same time.Increased task focus and social group competition, there would also be an increased sense of self worth.
And what is this miracle you may answer, typing, as simple as that, typing.
Cheap computers would cost a lot less that letting a brain go to waste.
Typing classes would be offered, previous experience would be taken into account, more experienced patients helping the less experienced, my hypothesis would be that during typing a type of word/object association would be created in the brain of the typist.
Common words like chair, bed, house, would with repetition and hand eye coordination keep/build or repair the connections in the brain that would causes the objects to become more real in a sense with an identity and visuilasitiion that is reinforced by more than just one or two senses.
Like the special Olympics healthy competition would be encouraged for typing speed and accuracy, words per minute, and a host of other challenges. Typewriters that type no words but pictures or colors could be built. Color coding certain words would also help reinforce certain objects.
A new skill would be learned, a sense of accomplishment would be gained by typing small projects, such as the dinner menu or name tags e.c.t.
Communication through new typing skills with family members would also be encouraged, for patients whose family members that are have trouble visiting, communication through typing messages or through programs such as Skype would help moral, and challenge memory through the fingers, eyes, both sides of the brain would be challenged through use of both hands and all fingers as well as the thumbs.

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