Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Blog 5.12. Suggestion to stop crime, offer a real incentive

I have come to the conclusion that the best way to stop crime is to offer an incentive, crime stoppers for example will offer rewards, but not to every one. My idea is when a crime is committed, if there is any cash collected in the form of fines or other moneys, a percentage of this should be automatically given to the person that reported the crime, say 40% of the total take,no questions asked.
A small price to pay considering the money saved by the tax payers, on court costs, policing costs, time, fuel, man power e.c.t
The money payed out is of course taxable income,so a chunk of it would be clawed back to at tax time.
The people getting the money would hopefully inject it back into the economy as soon as they get it...another side benefit to society, 

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