Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Blog 5.12. More thoughts on the whole UFO scam

So what do we know about UFO s

We know that they are dumb f**ks.

Apparently they can travel across the universe, perhaps even through time, they can even apparently become invisible. So why do I call them dumb f**ks?

On earth, this backwater planet, we have technology the dumb f**k aliens don’t have and could not even dream of it is called...PAINLESS SURGERY THATS RIGHT DUMB F**KS, WE CAN EVEN PULL TEETH PAINLESSLY. When was the last time a dumb fuck space twat, preformed a painless anal probe, or surgery or kidnapped a human and did not leave a quivering paranoid mass behind. And how long does it take for these dumb f**k aliens to learn about human anatomy? Go to med school for year or two, or take a free course on line like the rest of us. there is a thing we humans call YOU TUBE, you dumb f**ks, look it up and learn a thing or two. Oh, oh, and another reason for the dumb f**k, monitor I have bestowed on you... who, who, who, gets invisible and does not slip into a female coed locker room shower, or rob a bank?? Dumb fucks like aliens that’s who, like some reject looser from the other side of the universe, that needs to slip a rouffe in a humans drink just to give a good anal probing.
Shit any first year nature student, could not only kidnap...preform surgery on...inseminate...and butt f**k a hibernating bear with out it ever even knowing, or having to kissing it or sending it flowers after the fact.

So what do we know about UFO s ......we know that they are dumb f**ks.

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