Monday, November 08, 2010

My Blog 5.12. Darkness / Light.

My hypothesis/Theory.
May-be darkness is not displaced by light or vice verse.
Maby they follow a law that says the first present and in place, is displaced by its self. With a dark side and a light side, showing only one side at a time.
That is my theory / law for light and darkness, the last in decides what the first out will be, like in quantum physics, all working in unison as part of an interactive universe, revolving to the light side or dark side as one in an instant.
Maybe a light particle or whatever can actually, by agreement, become dark, by following the law I just mentioned.

My Blog  5.12.
My hypothesis/Theory.
I think if you go far enough cutting things up really small at some point the small will become the big, Kinna like an optical illusion.The small was always the big.This would mean that every thing goes in a circle.And straight lines don't exist, it is all a circle so big it looks like a straight line. Or so big you forget to look for the curve because you cant see it.

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