Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Blog 5.12. My theory’s on black holes.

Black holes are in theory so dense that nothing can escape their pull.

So based on this I would like to suggest some possible theory’s. First, if we look or think of a black hole, Like a vice or drain that is not only attracting but crushing particles or waves, then it would not be a stretch to suggest that at some point, just like stepping on one end of a garden hose or having a drain that cant handle the volume of water,  particles or light waves inside that hose /drain would ether stop completely, perhaps even stopping, forward moving time, (while keeping there present time in place). Or time would or could even be reversed, (while keeping present reversed time its own place in time), there may even be some particles and waves that were going forward while others in the same space would be going in the reverse, direction of travel or rotation. This may even lead to reversed time moving toward us (that last though is not mine I’m fairly sure). I also believe that it is possible to find a black hole within a black hole. And like a drain that can not handle the flow it would mean time and even light could actually be stopped or reversed, the excess flow may even cause reverse ripples or even have a weir effect in the general area, an area of excess that traps rather than sucks in, and due to this in that area everything would be possible.

Weird thoughts huh,  I need a job or a woman, or better yet both. ..and a million dollars wouldn’t hurt.

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